The Potsdam Magnetic Model of the Earth (POMME) is a research model that describes both the internal and the external (magnetospheric) fields, taking into account the variability of space weather.


Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid: 2 arc-minute resolution (EMAG2) is a grid of crustal anomalies reported in two ways, a consistent 4km upward continued grid, and an anomaly altitude at sea level above oceanic regions and 4km above continental regions.


The Enhanced Magnetic Model (EMM) is a degree and order 720 internal field model, resolving magnetic anomalies down to 56 km wavelength.


The current World Magnetic Model (WMM2020) is a degree and order 12 core field model based on satellite observations and forecasting the field until Dec 31, 2024.


The International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IRGF) is a model describing the core field from 1900 to 2020. The latest version was produced by an international team of scientists, including several from our team, under the auspices of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA).