The International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IRGF) is a model describing the core field from 1900 to 2020. The latest version was produced by an international team of scientists, including several from our team, under the auspices of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA).


The Dedicated Ionospheric Field Inversion (DIFI) model is a Swarm-based, global model of the Sq and equatorial electrojet magnetic fields at mid and low-latitudes. It describes variations with local time, season and solar flux and separates primary and induced magnetic fields.


The High Definition Geomagnetic Model (HDGM) is a global, high resolution model (degree 720) of the Earth's geomagnetic main and crustal field, providing magnetic field values (total field, dip, and declination) at any point above or below the Earth's surface. An optional addition to HDGM is the HDGM-RT, which includes a model of Earth's magnetosphere which provides near real-time estimates of the external disturbance field due to the solar wind. It also contains a magnetic field model of the daily variations due to the ionospheric current systems.


The High Definition Geomagnetic Model (HDGM) is a global, high resolution model (degree 720) of the Earth's geomagnetic main and crustal field, providing magnetic field values (total field, dip, and declination) at any point above or below the Earth's surface. An optional addition to HDGM is the HDGM-RT, which includes a model of Earth's magnetosphere which provides near real-time estimates of the external disturbance field due to the solar wind. It also contains a magnetic field model of the daily variations due to the ionospheric current systems.