Satellites in low-Earth orbit (LEO) provide the most effective means of mapping the long wavelengths of the magnetic field caused by the magnetization of the Earth's crust. The MF7 model was produced using CHAMP measurements from May 2007 to April 2010.

The modeling methodology remained largly unchanged from the previous version MF6. MF7 resolves the crustal magnetic field to spherical harmonic degree 133, corresponding to length scales down to 300 km.

MF7 Figure 1

Fig.1: (click to enlarge) Fig. 1: Vertical component of the MF7 crustal magnetic field at the Earth surface, overlain with the isochrons of an ocean-age model inferred from independent marine and aeromagnetic data by Muller et al. (2007) and plate boundaries by Bird (2003).

Available MF7 Downloads
 TypeFormatMbyteRef. RadiusContents 
DownloadSH coefficientsASCII Table0.36371.2 kmMF7 Model spherical harmonic coefficients 
(Schmid semi-normalized, as usual)
DownloadGraphicPDF1.0WGS84Image of vertical component (Z) at WGS84 ellipsoid altitude.
6 arc minute ascii grid of vertical component (Z) at WGS84 ellipsoid altitude.
DownloadGraphicPDF1.0WGS84Image of the anomaly of total intensity at WGS84 ellipsoid altitude.
6 arc minute ascii grid of the anomaly of total intensity at WGS84 ellipsoid altitude.
1.5 arc minute ascii grid of the anomaly of total intensity at 2.5 km altitude above the WGS84 ellipsoid. This grid is intended for use in the World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map project for the 2011 revision. Please be aware of the large file size (660 MB) of this grid.
DownloadGraphicPDF1.0WGS84Image of the analytic signal at WGS84 ellipsoid altitude. 
Ascii grid of the analytic signal at WGS84 ellipsoid altitude.
Ascii grid of the northward derivative of the total intensity anomaly at WGS84 ellipsoid altitude.
Ascii grid of the eastward derivative of the total intensity anomaly at WGS84 ellipsoid altitude.
Ascii grid of the downward derivative of the total intensity anomaly at WGS84 ellipsoid altitude.