Geomagnetism is a fascinating subject that can inspire the imagination. An invisible field that can guide us to where we want to go, that protects us from the harsh space weather environment, helps produce beautiful aurae, and magnetic poles that can wander unexpectedly. In this space we are gathering some of the external links to interesting stories, articles, or comics that help us tell the story of geomagnetism and what it means to society.

Actually, internet, the sun, moon and stars are not 'out of place' (PolitiFact, Aug. 3, 2022)
[AWARD] Patrick Alken wins CIRES Outstanding Performance Award for successfully leading the development, validation, and release of an international reference geomagnetic model used widely in academia, government, and industry (May 21, 2021)
Here Is How You Can Help NOAA And NASA Forecast Changes In Earth’s Magnetic Field (Forbes, Dec. 25, 2020)
Magnetic Pole Comic (XKCD)
Take part in the NCE/CIRES crowdsourcing competition to improve forecasts of Earth's magnetic field variations due to space weather. Cash prizes of up to $30,000 go to winners of “MagNet: Model the Geomagnetic Field.”
What We Learned in Science News in 2019 (New York Times, Dec. 30, 2019)
Video: Is Earth's Magnetic Field Reversing by Matt O'Dowd (PBS Space Time, Sep. 3, 2019)
For the First Time in 360 Years, True and Magnetic North Will Align in the U.K. by Jennifer Leman (Popular Mechanics, Aug. 30, 2019)
[AWARD] Geomagnetism team wins CIRES Outstanding Performance Award for the release of the out-of-cycle World Magnetic Model (May 18, 2019)
[AWARD] Prudence Crawmer AGU Virtual Poster Showcase Winner for work on CrowdMag (April 24, 2019)
Video: Earth's Magnetic Poles Are Moving by Nikki Sheaks (KKCO, Feb. 11, 2019)
Which way to the North Pole by NYT Editorial Board (New York Times, Feb. 7, 2019)
The North Magnetic Pole’s Mysterious Journey Across the Arctic by Shannon Hall (New York Times, Feb. 4, 2019)
Magnetic north just changed. Here's what that means by Maya Wei-Haas (National Geographic, Feb. 4, 2019)
Moving Magnetic Pole by Seth Borenstein (Associated Press, Feb 4, 2019)
Radio: Why you should care about the Earth's shifting magnetic pole with Brian Meyer by Tiffany Hanssen (Minnesota Public Radio, Jan. 31, 2019)
Models Can't Keep Up With Migrating Magnetic North Pole by George Dvorsky (Gizmodo, Jan. 14, 2019)
Shifting north magnetic pole forces unprecedented navigation fix by Alistor Doyle (Reuters, Jan. 11, 2019)
Video: Something very strange is happening to Earth's magnetic North Pole (Fox News, Jan. 10, 2019)
Earth’s magnetic field is acting up and geologists don’t know why by Alexandra Witze (Nature, Jan. 9, 2019)
[AWARD] Neesha Schnepf receives the Reid Scholarship Award for her exemplary work within the geophysical research community and outreach within her community (May 18, 2017)
[AWARD] Winners of the CO-LABS Governors Award for Foundational Science and Technology (Oct. 8, 2015)