HDGM2025 and HDGM2025-RT

The High Definition Geomagnetic Model (HDGM) is a global, high resolution model (degree 790) of the Earth's geomagnetic main and crustal field, providing magnetic field values (total field, dip, and declination) at any point above or below the Earth's surface. An optional addition to HDGM is the HDGM-RT, which includes a model of Earth's magnetosphere which provides near real-time estimates of the external disturbance field due to the solar wind. It also contains a magnetic field model of the daily variations due to the ionospheric current systems.

WMM2025 and WMMHR2025

The World Magnetic Model (WMM) is the standard model for navigation, attitude, and heading referencing systems that use the geomagnetic field. The WMM is also used for civilian applications, including navigation and heading systems.

A new version of the model is updated every five years to address changes in Earth’s magnetic field. The current version (WMM2025) was released on December 17, 2024, and will remain valid until late 2029.

Real-time prediction of Disturbance storm-time indices (Dst)

Submitted by admin on

Real-time Disturbance-storm-time (Dst) indices forecasted by Machine-Learning (ML) modeling of solar-wind data


Note: The observatory-based Dst (plotted for comparison) are obtained from the World Data Center for Geomagnetism in Kyoto. These "Quicklook" Dst values are unverified, may contain errors, and are subject to change.  



Submitted by admin on

The WMM2015v2 Google spreadsheet allows user to calculate declination values for mutiple points. The user may upload a file with location, altitude and date information to this spreadsheet. The user needs only a google account and a browser to use this application and it works on any operating systems. You do not have to install any extensions and the technique will work just fine in the web and mobile version of Google Drive. The multithread processing of spreadsheet calculations are very fast.