POMME-2 Magnetic Model of the Earth

POMME is a main field model providing the geomagnetic field in the region from the Earth's surface to an altitude of a couple of thousand kilometers. POMME-2.5 includes the time varying core field, crustal field, the ring current field modulated by the Dst/Est/Ist Indices, a time averaged magnetospheric field, the penetration of the horizontal part of the Interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), and the fields induced by Earth rotation in the external fields.

A feature unique to POMME is the representation of this magnetospheric field in geocentric solar magnetospheric (GSM) coordinates. In difference from the 1.4 version the ring current correction depends on a new developed Est/Ist index. For details see the Est/Ist-index page at NOAA.

Download Pomme 2
  Type Format Mbyte Date Contents
Download SH coefficients ASCII Table 0.062 Jun 2004 Obsolete, please use the Pomme 2.5 version below!
Version 2.0 , model coefficients only.
Download SH coefficients
and software
ZIP Archive 0.3 18 Dec 2004 Version 2.5
Model coefficients and related (experimental) software (code for reading pomme 2.5 coefficient table, to calculate model vectors and wrapper code for Matlab and IDL). A propper documentation is still missing. Includes (with 12-Dec-2004) a little fix from Stefan Maus. Little bugfix at 18-Dec-2004.

Stefan Maus, Martin Rother, 2004-Dec-12.